C++ API Reference ================= Control ------- The control interface is the high level interface that controls an acquisition. .. doxygenclass:: lima::control :project: common :members: Allocators ---------- .. doxygenclass:: lima::numa_allocator :project: common :members: .. doxygenclass:: lima::track_allocator :project: common :members: RPC --- .. doxygenclass:: lima::rpc::client :project: common :members: .. doxygenclass:: lima::rpc::server :project: common :members: Channels -------- .. doxygenfunction:: lima::make_buffered_channel :project: common .. doxygenfunction:: lima::make_unbuffered_channel :project: common .. doxygenclass:: lima::sender :project: common :members: .. doxygenclass:: lima::receiver :project: common :members: HDF5 ---- .. doxygenclass:: lima::io::h5::file :project: common :members: .. doxygenclass:: lima::io::h5::group :project: common :members: .. doxygenclass:: lima::io::h5::dataset :project: common :members: .. doxygenfunction:: lima::io::h5::link_soft :project: common