# Build and Install ## Install Conda packages We provide [Conda](https://conda.io) binary packages for some cameras. This is, by far, the easiest way to get started with LImA\! For instance: ``` bash conda install --channel esrf-bcu lima2-smartpix ``` would install a fully loaded LImA2 and all its dependencies with the Smartpix camera plugin and associated SDK. The camera comes as a python module but is also C++ development package that includes header files and [CMake package config](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-packages.7.html) files. ## Build from source First, you need to get the source from [Gitlab](https://gitlab.esrf.fr/limagroup/lima2). ### Get dependencies We provide Conda packages for all the dependencies of the project. Some packages already exists in other Conda channels (e.g. Conda Forge) so the order of the channel priorities matters: the `esrf-bcu` channel should always come first. ``` bash conda create --name lima2 --file requirements-conda.txt --channel esrf-bcu --channel conda-forge ``` You might want to get some development tools as well: ``` bash conda install cmake gxx_linux-64 ``` ### Using CMake Run `cmake` in the build directory: ``` bash cmake -Bbuild -H. [-G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" | -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" | -G "Unix Makefiles"] [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=] [-DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=] -DLIMA_ENABLE_TIFF=ON -DLIMA_CAMERA_BASLER=ON -DLIMA_ENABLE_PYTHON=true ``` Then compile and install: ``` bash cmake --build sudo cmake --build --target install ```